Jinan Ourui Industrial Co., Ltd.
Company Address�201, Building 5, Kejijiayuan, 2-9 Qilihe Road, Licheng District, Jinan City, Shandong Province, China
Production Base�Building 48, Xinmao Qilu Science and Technology City, 299 Zidong Avenue, Tianqiao District, Jinan City, Shandong Province
National unified service hotline�400-832-6598
Sales Department of Commerce Phone�86-531-88167575 88167075
Technical Department Phone�86-531-88167575
After-sales service department telephone�86-531-88162588 18615195260
URL�www.ouruishiye.com bj775.cn
E-mail�[email protected]
Service QQ�1375139223 279787798 3179707494